Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Core Hadoop Components

The Hadoop Ecosystem:

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) 

          The default big data storage layer for Apache Hadoop is HDFS. HDFS is the “Secret Sauce” of Apache Hadoop components as users can dump huge datasets into HDFS and the data will sit there nicely until the user wants to leverage it for analysis. HDFS component creates several replicas of the data block to be distributed across different clusters for reliable and quick data access. HDFS comprises of 3 important components-NameNode, DataNode and Secondary NameNode. HDFS operates on a Master-Slave architecture model where the NameNode acts as the master node for keeping a track of the storage cluster and the DataNode acts as a slave node summing up to the various systems within a Hadoop cluster.


          MapReduce is a Java-based system created by Google where the actual data from the HDFS store gets processed efficiently. MapReduce breaks down a big data processing job into smaller tasks. MapReduce is responsible for the analysing large datasets in parallel before reducing it to find the results. In the Hadoop ecosystem, Hadoop MapReduce is a framework based on YARN architecture. YARN based Hadoop architecture, supports parallel processing of huge data sets and MapReduce provides the framework for easily writing applications on thousands of nodes, considering fault and failure management.
The basic principle of operation behind MapReduce is that the “Map” job sends a query for processing to various nodes in a Hadoop cluster and the “Reduce” job collects all the results to output into a single value. Map Task in the Hadoop ecosystem takes input data and splits into independent chunks and output of this task will be the input for Reduce Task. In The same Hadoop ecosystem Reduce task combines Mapped data tuples into smaller set of tuples. Meanwhile, both input and output of tasks are stored in a file system. MapReduce takes care of scheduling jobs, monitoring jobs and re-executes the failed task.
MapReduce framework forms the compute node while the HDFS file system forms the data node. Typically in the Hadoop ecosystem architecture both data node and compute node are considered to be the same.


          YARN forms an integral part of Hadoop 2.0.YARN is great enabler for dynamic resource utilization on Hadoop framework as users can run various Hadoop applications without having to bother about increasing workloads.

     Pig is a convenient tools developed by Yahoo for analysing huge data sets efficiently and easily. It provides a high level data flow language Pig Latin that is optimized, extensible and easy to use. The most outstanding feature of Pig programs is that their structure is open to considerable parallelization making it easy for handling large data sets.


       Hive developed by Facebook is a data warehouse built on top of Hadoop and provides a simple language known as HiveQL similar to SQL for querying, data summarization and analysis. Hive makes querying faster through indexing.
Sqoop component is used for importing data from external sources into related Hadoop components like HDFS, HBase or Hive. It can also be used for exporting data from Hadoop o other external structured data stores. Sqoop parallelized data transfer, mitigates excessive loads, allows data imports, efficient data analysis and copies data quickly.


Flume component is used to gather and aggregate large amounts of data. Apache Flume is used for collecting data from its origin and sending it back to the resting location (HDFS).Flume accomplishes this by outlining data flows that consist of 3 primary structures channels, sources and sinks. The processes that run the dataflow with flume are known as agents and the bits of data that flow via flume are known as events.

HBase –

HBase is a column-oriented database that uses HDFS for underlying storage of data. HBase supports random reads and also batch computations using MapReduce. With HBase NoSQL database enterprise can create large tables with millions of rows and columns on hardware machine. The best practice to use HBase is when there is a requirement for random ‘read or write’ access to big datasets.


Oozie is a workflow scheduler where the workflows are expressed as Directed Acyclic Graphs. Oozie runs in a Java servlet container Tomcat and makes use of a database to store all the running workflow instances, their states ad variables along with the workflow definitions to manage Hadoop jobs (MapReduce, Sqoop, Pig and Hive).The workflows in Oozie are executed based on data and time dependencies.


Zookeeper is the king of coordination and provides simple, fast, reliable and ordered operational services for a Hadoop cluster. Zookeeper is responsible for synchronization service, distributed configuration service and for providing a naming registry for distributed systems.

Mahout is an important Hadoop component for machine learning, this provides implementation of various machine learning algorithms. This Hadoop component helps with considering user behavior in providing suggestions, categorizing the items to its respective group, classifying items based on the categorization and supporting in implementation group mining or itemset mining, to determine items which appear in group


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